Beat that Social Media Manager Burnout

Every social media marketer has seen the meme about coming back from the dead to post a story or checking to make sure your schedule post published before you walk down the aisle. And they’re funny because it feels TRUE.

Because it’s easy to feel like you always need to be plugged in and on as a social media marketer, it’s easy to burnout (and burnout fast). But don’t worry, we’ve tapped into the wisdom of our favorite tv show characters to provide anit-burnout tips that will  keep you happy, creative, and mentally sane! 

Treat Yo’ Self 

Tom and Donna from Parks and Rec had it right - you deserve to treat yourself. Schedule in time to unplug and do something you enjoy outside of work! I promise you’ll come back refreshed and ready to tackle your workload with a smile.


Pivoting isn’t just for getting couches up the stairs (looking at you, Ross). Nothing is more burnout-inducing than creating the same content over and over and over again. If you feel like your head is going to explode using the same story template yet again, pivot your content strategy a little! Infuse something new into the same old, same old and watch yourself find your spark again. 

Use Your Binders 

Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec has taught us time and again to never underestimate a good binder (aka, a backup plan). The landscape of social media marketing is always changing and you never know when a crisis (negative feedback, PR nightmares, platform changes) is going to come up. Embrace your inner Leslie and develop protocols for issues that pop up so you can address issues confidently and promptly, without causing undue stress.

Don’t Fear Technology 

Remember when Michael Scott drove into the lake to make his GPS look bad on The Office? Don’t be like Michael! Embrace the tools you have to make your job easier and automate! Scheduling tools for posts and auto-responders for customer interactions can free up more of your time for creative thought and relaxation.  

Daily Caffeine (and a lot of it)! 

If Lorelei and Rory have taught us anything, it’s the importance of routines. Whether it’s daily coffee at Luke’s or Friday night dinners, the Gilmore Girls have a schedule and they stick to it. Likewise, creating a routine for your work day can help you stay organized and efficient. Regularly scheduled tasks will not only help you avoid last-minute panic but will also ensure you have time for regular breaks.

Love that Journey 

Going from basically jobless to launching her own company, Alexis Rose from Schitt’s Creek taught us that the key to success is learning and adapting. Social media trends and platforms are changing all. the. time. Learn to love that journey by staying updated and always learning from others in your field. This will help you be adaptable, relevant, and prevent the feeling of having to do it all on your own - ending in burn out! 

So yes, the memes about posting from your grave are funny, but if you want to prevent burnout, take it from the greats and *slams laptop shut until Monday* meme it instead. 


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