Social Media ICKS to Avoid

You know that feeling you get when someone claps at the end of a movie in the theatre? Or at the end of a flight? That “immediately no” feeling is the ick and it can happen in marketing too. Let's dive into five marketing trends that make us want to hit the "unfollow" button .

1. Buying Followers

Buying followers is an act of pure pretense. We get it; a big following can make you or your brand look popular and successful. But it’s easy to spot fake followers from a mile away - they don’t actually engage with anything you’re posting. Authenticity, like honesty in a relationship, is crucial. Let's ditch the fake followers and build genuine relationships instead. 

2. Hopping On Irrelevant Trends 

You know how we look back at our style in 2010 and cringe? We imagine that’s how we are going to feel about many of the trends we are hopping on in a few years. Don’t force your brand to be something it’s not to fit a trend. 

3. Using Comic Sans on Instagram 

Using the Comic Sans font on Instagram is NOT it. 

We hope we don’t have to explain this one. Just trust us. 

4. Relying on Clickbait

Clickbait is like that Tinder profile that promises he’s 6’2” and loves his niece. It piques your curiosity, but more often than not, leaves you with unmet expectations and disappointment. Ick. Engaging content is king, but only when it lives up to its headline! Let’s serve up honesty in our marketing to foster trust and loyalty. 

5. Engagement Pods

Having to be in a small clique that agrees to engage in each other’s content not only DOESN’T work, it’s super obvious and looks desperate. Shoot for real engagement, not agreed-upon engagement from the same 4 people every time.

Yeah, it may seem like these things are inconsequential. But not being mindful of these marketing icks can cause customers to be turned off to your brand. Take our marketing advice - we promise it’s not worth it. 


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