What We Learned in 2023

2023 was a huge year of growth for us! From adding new clients to creating some of our favorite content ever to hiring new team members, we learned a lot! 

Aaaaand who would we be if we didn’t share our knowledge with you?? Let’s chat about all of the good things we learned in 2023 that we will *definitely* be taking with us in 2024. 

Batch your reels & SAVE THEM TO YOUR CAMERA ROLL. 

This year we made hella reels. I’m talking hundreds, maybe even thousands of reels (go us!). And we’ll admit: some of those reels were just second attempts because our first draft got deleted (brb STILL SOBBING). So take our word for it - always, always, always save your reels to your camera roll. Drafts cannot be trusted and no one deserves to live through that heartache. 

And while we’re on the subject of reels? Batch your content. If you’re at a photoshoot? Film everything & use it for multiple reels. No one’s going to know, but you’ll save so much time. 

Ask for extra help, when needed. 

This year, we got to do a lot more shoots with kiddos! Which is obviously SO MUCH FUN but also, a lot of work. If you’re going to do a photoshoot with children, make sure you bring extra hands. You’ll definitely need the help - whether it’s someone who is willing to stand on their head to make silly faces, someone to bring out the snacks or just someone to keep things running during the good chaos - you’ll be glad you have them. 

Get a car tripod. 

I know we should have realized this earlier - but just keep a tripod in your car, okay? You never know when you’re going to need it when everything is content. 

Always bring a Bluetooth speaker to every shoot.

Music is almost as essential as the photographer when it comes to shoots. It makes everything more fun and helps keep the vibes HIGH. Just make sure you have a killer playlist because it can absolutely make or break the photoshoot & your final images. Sounds dramatic, but we are not kidding. I mean, just look at these absolute ~ViBeS~ from this pizza shoot.

CapCut is your BFF. 

Remember when I mentioned we made a zillion reels this year? Well, we couldn’t do what we do without CapCut. It is the MVP, BFF, SO of our jobs. If you’re not using it, you really need to be (you can thank us later). 

Confetti at all times. 

Keep confetti with you at all times! Because why not? What is our job if it’s not celebrating everything to its fullest and curating larger-than-life content for our clients? And honestly, confetti just makes it 10,000x easier. 

2023, you’ve been good to us! But we CANNOT WAIT to see what 2024 has in store. We have so many exciting ideas up our sleeves and we know you’re going to love it! And if your New Years Resolution is to take Social Media Marketing off of your plate? Well, I know an *incredible* team who would love to help you!


2024 INs and OUTs


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